Demolition Materials

Federal Supply Class (FSC: 1375

NATO Supply Classification Class (NSC): 1375

Group Description: Ammunition and Explosives

Federal Supply Group (FSG): 13

NATO Supply Classification Group (NSG): 13

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NSN Format for Demolition Materials

Federal Supply Class
FSC 1375 Demolition Materials
FSC 1375 Demolition Materials

Includes Items for construction, quarrying and demolition work such as Dynamite and other explosives packed in cylindrical paper cartridges or in bags, Demolition Charges, Blasting Caps, Blasting Time Fuses, Detonating Cord, Demolition Firing Devices; Booby Trap Mechanisms; Bangalore Torpedoes; Inert accessories and components such as Blasting Machines, Priming Adapters, and Detonating Cord Clips.

Excludes Liquid Propellant Fuels and Oxidizers; Solid Propellants encased in consumable containers, for insertion into missile propulsion systems as integral parts; Guided Missile Explosive Devices; Safety-in-Flight Explosive Items and Devices such as, Impulse Cartridges, Delay Cartridges, Aircraft Ejection Seat Catapults, Aircraft Canopy Removers, and similar items, as shown in the indexes to the FSC, Solid Propellants, predetermined to specific quantity and quality, packaged in reusable containers; Nuclear Ordnance Components; Rocket and Guided Missile Motors, Warheads, and Propulsion Sections.

Note-Excluded from this group are items specially designed for nuclear ordnance application.

Additional Information for Demolition Materials Additional Information for Demolition Materials

NATO Supply Class 1375 is a classification for Demolition Materials within NATO Supply Group 13, which is dedicated to Ammunition and Explosives.

Demolition Materials in this class refer to various items and equipment used for demolition purposes, such as explosives, detonators, fuses, and other related materials. These materials are specifically designed and used for controlled destruction or removal of structures, obstacles, or other targets.

The purpose of this classification is to ensure standardization and compatibility among NATO member countries when it comes to the procurement, storage, and use of demolition materials. By having a standardized classification system, it becomes easier for member nations to coordinate and support each other in military operations and exercises.

It is important to note that the use and handling of demolition materials are highly regulated and require specialized training and expertise. Safety precautions and protocols must be strictly followed to prevent accidents or unauthorized use.

If you require more specific information about the items included in NATO Supply Class 1375 or any other related details, please let me know.

NSN by Country NSN by Country

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) for Federal Supply Class 1375 Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) for Federal Supply Class 1375

What is Federal Supply Class 1375?
FSC 1375 is the Federal Supply Class(formally known as NATO Supply Classification Class NSC 1375) in the USA for supply items codified in the category of Demolition Materials.
What is NATO Supply Classification Class 1375?
NSC 1375 is the NATO Supply Classification Class (also known as Federal Supply Class FSC 1375 in the USA) for supply items codified in the category of Demolition Materials.
Which Federal Supply Group is FSC 1375 in?
FSC 1375 is in Federal Supply Group(FSG) 13 which contains .
Which NATO Supply Classification Group is NSC 1375 in?
NSC 1375 is in NATO Supply Classification Group(NSG) 13 which contains .

Supply Items Included in Federal Supply Class 1375 Supply Items Included in Federal Supply Class 1375

What is a Blasting Machine? 156 Items
A Blasting Machine is a key or handle operated item which is used to generate an electrical impulse to initiate an explosive charge.
What is a Dynamite? 51 Items
A Dynamite is a high explosive consisting of nitro-glycerine and/or nitroglycol and/or ammonium nitrate and other materials with or without an inert base, packed in cylindrical paper cartridges or in bags. It is set off by a detonator and is used for general blasting purposes.
Primer,Percussion 13 Items
What is a Bangalore Torpedo Demolition Kit? 23 Items
A Bangalore Torpedo Demolition Kit (DEMOLITION KIT,BANGALORE TORPEDO) is a group of items consisting of a number of bangalore torpedoes with connecting sleeves and a nose sleeve to facilitate assembly of an explosive unit of varying length.
What is a Blasting Demolition Kit? 97 Items
A Blasting Demolition Kit (DEMOLITION KIT,BLASTING) is a group of items consisting of demolition charges or components of an explosive or a nonexplosive nature, which may include initiating and priming components, and accessories used in conjunction with the explosive charge(s). Theexplosive or nonexplosive components when combined or assembled on site and used with an initiating or priming charge can cause an explosion of predetermined size for a specific purpose.
What is a Projected Charge Demolition Kit? 26 Items
A Projected Charge Demolition Kit (DEMOLITION KIT,PROJECTED CHARGE) is a group of items including demolition charges designed for assembly into a device to be positioned by an external force for clearing a path through a mine field.
What is a Concussion Detonator Kit? 10 Items
A Concussion Detonator Kit (DETONATOR KIT,CONCUSSION) is a group of items including a blasting cap and a mechanical firing device designed to be actuated by the concussion wave of a nearby blast. It may be used to detonate several charges simultaneously without interconnecting the charges with wires or detonating cord.
Firing Device Set,Demolition 134 Items
What is a Detonating Cord? 243 Items
A Detonating Cord (CORD,DETONATING) is an item consisting of a flexible tube containing a core of explosive. The tube may be overwrapped with alternating layers of fibrous yarn or fiberglass and a flexible plastic material, or the tube may be covered with a fibrous overbraid and inclosed in another tube. It is designed for transmitting a confined detonation wave.
What is a Blasting Cap? 332 Items
A Blasting Cap (CAP,BLASTING) is a small, metallic tube closed at one end and filled with high explosives used to detonate demolition and explosive charges/items. Non-electric blasting caps can be initiated and/or assembled with FUSE,BLASTING,TIME, shock tube, or CORD,DETONATING. Electric blasting caps have wires and are initiated from an electrical current, provided from sources such as a BLASTING MACHINE. They may come with devices to simplify use with other items, such as a HOLDER,BLASTING CAP or a demolition bar.
What is a Time Blasting Fuse Igniter? 62 Items
A Time Blasting Fuse Igniter (IGNITER,TIME BLASTING FUSE) is a device containing a firing mechanism and suitable ignition material for igniting a FUSE,BLASTING, TIME.
What is an Electric Squib? 25 Items
An Electric Squib (SQUIB,ELECTRIC) is an item designed for electrical firing of burning type munitions or to initiate operation of jettisoning equipment and shearing devices, or as igniters for rockets or for setting equipment in motion where a small explosive device is required. It consists essentially of a tube containing a flammable material and a small charge of powder compressed around a fine resistance wire connected to electrical leads or terminals. Excludes CARTRIDGE, IMPULSE.
What is a Priming Adapter? 38 Items
A Priming Adapter (ADAPTER,PRIMING) is an adapter designed to secure an electric or nonelectric blasting cap, a detonating cord, or a time blasting fuse in the activator well of a demolition charge.
What is a Blasting Cap Holder? 23 Items
A Blasting Cap Holder (HOLDER,BLASTING CAP) is a holder for a blasting cap for detonating an explosive charge.
What is an Explosive Destructor? 15 Items
An Explosive Destructor (DESTRUCTOR,EXPLOSIVE) is a cylindrical metallic item containing explosive components for destruction of material by explosion.
What is a Demolition Charge? 1104 Items
A Demolition Charge (CHARGE,DEMOLITION) is an explosive load used to produce a general blasting effect.
What is a Practice Demolition Charge? 102 Items
A Practice Demolition Charge (CHARGE,DEMOLITION,PRACTICE) is a CHARGE, DEMOLITION designed to simulate the actual service item. It may contain some form of inert material and limited explosive charge, incendiary or smoke to indicate functioning.
What is a Percussion Detonator? 123 Items
A Percussion Detonator (DETONATOR,PERCUSSION) is an item consisting of a blasting cap and explosive elements designed to detonate an explosive charge.
What is a Demolition Firing Device? 224 Items
A Demolition Firing Device (FIRING DEVICE,DEMOLITION) is an item designed to detonate a blasting cap(s) or a detonator by mechanical means such as a release of a spring propelled striker or firing pins or by electrical means such as dry cell battery, with related circuitry including test contacts and output leads.
What is a Friction Detonator? 18 Items
A Friction Detonator (DETONATOR,FRICTION) is an item consisting of a blasting cap, a fuze and a pull type fuze lighter for detonating an explosive charge.
What is a Demolition Charge Assembly? 26 Items
A Demolition Charge Assembly (CHARGE ASSEMBLY,DEMOLITION) is a group of items including explosives, assembled in a haversack designed for use in beach reconnaissance and underwater demolition missions.
What is an Electric Detonator? 68 Items
An Electric Detonator (DETONATOR,ELECTRIC) is an item consisting of electrical leads and explosive elements designed to detonate an explosive charge.
What is a Dummy Detonator? 25 Items
A Dummy Detonator is an inert item designed to be used in lieu of a detonator for training purposes only.
What is an Incendiary File Destroyer? 11 Items
An Incendiary File Destroyer (FILE DESTROYER,INCENDIARY) is an incendiary device designed for use in destroying combustible file material. Excludes CRYPTOGRAPHIC EQUIPMENT DESTROYER, INCENDIARY.
What is an Electrical Demolition Firing Kit? 15 Items
An Electrical Demolition Firing Kit (FIRING KIT,DEMOLITION,ELECTRICAL) is a group of expendable items, including a firing switch, a dry battery, and electrical leads, designed to be used with a DEMOLITION KIT, PROJECTED CHARGE or DEMOLITION KIT, PROJECTED CHARGE, INERT.
What is an Explosive Actuator Firing Device? 10 Items
An Explosive Actuator Firing Device (FIRING DEVICE,EXPLOSIVE ACTUATOR) is a semiautomatic item designed to be initiated by an external force. Its function is to detonate an explosive actuator cartridge by mechanical means, for the actuation of mechanical contrivances.
Demolition Kit,Projected Charge,Practice 12 Items
What is an Igniter Primer And Base? 10 Items
An Igniter Primer And Base (PRIMER AND BASE,IGNITER) is an item consisting of an assembled primer and base. It is a component part of an initiating device.
What is a High Explosive Cutter? 40 Items
A High Explosive Cutter (CUTTER,HIGH EXPLOSIVE) is an item containing a shaped charge designed to sever wire rope, chain, rod, pipe, and the like. It may be constructed for surface and/or underwater operations. Fastening devices may be included. Excludes CUTTER, CARTRIDGE ACTUATED and CUTTER, PROPELLANT ACTUATED.
What is an Incendiary Destructor? 19 Items
An Incendiary Destructor (DESTRUCTOR,INCENDIARY) is an item designed to destruct electronic and mechanical equipment by burning. It is used with preinstalled circuitry and has safeguards against initiation by high frequency radiation.
What is a Practice Blasting Cap? 13 Items
A Practice Blasting Cap (CAP,BLASTING,PRACTICE) is an item or an assembly containing a small tube, usually copper or aluminum, closed at one end, with a reduced charge, designed to simulate a CAP,BLASTING.
What is a Demolition Charge Booster? 31 Items
A Demolition Charge Booster (BOOSTER,DEMOLITION CHARGE) is an item designed to be filled with explosive material to relay and amplify the detonation wave and to insure proper detonation of the main charge of a CHARGE, DEMOLITION.
What is a Demolition Charge Holder? 14 Items
A Demolition Charge Holder (HOLDER,DEMOLITION CHARGE) is an item designed to accommodate and position securely a CONTAINER, DEMOLITION CHARGE or CHARGE, DEMOLITION on the object to be destroyed.
What is a Blasting Machine Kit? 29 Items
A Blasting Machine Kit is a group of nonexplosive items, including a BLASTINGMACHINE, used for the preparation and generation of an electrical impulse to initiate or to prime an explosive charge or the like.
What is a Blasting Explosive Kit? 58 Items
A Blasting Explosive Kit (EXPLOSIVE KIT,BLASTING) is a group of items consisting of various demolition materials and a detonating cord.
What is a Blasting Detonating Kit? 25 Items
A Blasting Detonating Kit (DETONATING KIT,BLASTING) is a group of items consisting of initiating and priming components, and accessories.
Chest,Blasting Detonating Kit 11 Items
Case,Blasting Machine 12 Items
What is a Demolition Charge Fuze? 72 Items
A Demolition Charge Fuze (FUZE,DEMOLITION CHARGE) is a fuze designed to initiate a demolition charge.
What is a Detonating Dummy Cord? 26 Items
A Detonating Dummy Cord (DUMMY CORD,DETONATING) is an item having the appearance of and designed to represent a CORD,DETONATING without having internal functional components.
What is an Armor Tile? 212 Items
An Armor Tile (TILE,ARMOR) is a device to defeat warheads.
What is an Emplacement Demolition Equipment? 18 Items
An Emplacement Demolition Equipment (DEMOLITION EQUIPMENT,EMPLACEMENT) is a group of items such as an excavator, pumps, generators, power supplies, pipes and fittings, tools and repair parts assembled for the purpose of excavating and emplacement of liquid or semiliquid explosives in the plastic pipe or tubing emplaced by the equipment. It includes power operated equipment for excavation and burying of the pipe or tubing. It includes power or manually operated pumping equipment and may includes facilities for premixing of ingredients.
What is a Canine Explosive Scent Kit? 57 Items
A Canine Explosive Scent Kit (EXPLOSIVE SCENT KIT,CANINE) is a group of various items that may or may not be explosive designed to maintain/increase the proficiency of Military Police Dog and Explosive Detecting Teams to search out and detect amounts of various Explosive materials.
What is a Detonating Cord Clamp? 12 Items
A Detonating Cord Clamp (CLAMP,DETONATING CORD) is an item, specifically designed to hold a CORD, DETONATING.
What is a Shock Test Charge? 10 Items
A Shock Test Charge (CHARGE,SHOCK TEST) is an explosive load which is formed to produce an aquatic wave motion to test the metallurgic strength of surface ship hulls.
What is an Electric Match Igniter? 28 Items
An Electric Match Igniter (IGNITER,ELECTRIC MATCH) is an electrically initiated pyrotechnic device used to remotely ignite smoke canisters, simulators and other pyrothechnic devices.
What is a Demolition Charge Plug? 10 Items
A Demolition Charge Plug (PLUG,DEMOLITION CHARGE) is an inert plug the cylindrical or conical spigot of which is completely or partly inserted or screwed into an aperture of a demolition charge in order to prevent penetration of foreign matter.
What is a Demolition Charge Case? 159 Items
A Demolition Charge Case (CASE,DEMOLITION CHARGE) is a case of various shapes and sizes designed to be filled with an explosive charge. It may concentrate the energy of the explosive in one direction.
What is a Shock Tube Adapter? 49 Items
A Shock Tube Adapter (ADAPTER,SHOCK TUBE) is a device designed to secure the shock tube to the ignitor for ignition of shock tube blasting caps. It includes a special primer and has a length of shock tube and splicing tube attached.
What is a Shock Tube Igniter? 20 Items
A Shock Tube Igniter (IGNITER,SHOCK TUBE) is a device that facilitates the ignition of shock tube blasting caps.
What is a Radio Firing Device Receiver? 47 Items
A Radio Firing Device Receiver (RECEIVER,RADIO FIRING DEVICE) is after an arming delay time of several minutes, this unit initiates activation of attached electric or nonelectric blasting cap(s), upon receiving a special coded signal from a transmitter. It may include an electro-mechanical solenoid and a primer. The solenoid mechanism will provide up to seven pounds of actuating force to activate a mechanical firing device or other internal machine.
What is a Cutting Cord? 58 Items
A Cutting Cord (CORD,CUTTING) is an item designed to cut with a great precision materials such as metal, composite materials, plastic, and the like.
What is an Armor Tile Set? 53 Items
An Armor Tile Set is a vehicular set of TILE, ARMOR in various sizes.
What is a Projected Charge Dummy Demolition Kit? 10 Items
A Projected Charge Dummy Demolition Kit (DUMMY DEMOLITION KIT,PROJECTED CHARGE) is a complete, inert dummy of a projected charge demolition kit. It is designed for training purposes only.
What is a Blasting Dummy Cap? 37 Items
A Blasting Dummy Cap (DUMMY CAP,BLASTING) is an item with a completely inert load (containing no explosives), which is designed to replicate CAP,BLASTING or CAP,BLASTING,PRACTICE. This item is designed to not be incorporated or be used in combination with energetic material nor be delivered in or by a weapon system. This item is used in activities such as assembly, handling, instruction, training, gauging or maintenance.
What is a Firing Device Coupling Base? 30 Items
A Firing Device Coupling Base (COUPLING BASE,FIRING DEVICE) is a device by means of which a standard firing device may be connected to a black powder igniter or blasting cap. The item is threaded on one end to screw into a standard firing device and at the other end to screw into a cap well of demolition charge or certain types of land mines. It may or may not be assembled with a percussion primer.
What is a Flash Detonator? 35 Items
A Flash Detonator (DETONATOR,FLASH) is an explosive device which is designed to initiate the detonation wave in an explosive train by the flash action of an initiator.
What is an Explosive Destructor Initiator? 31 Items
An Explosive Destructor Initiator (INITIATOR,EXPLOSIVE DESTRUCTOR) is an item specifically designed to initiate a DESTRUCTOR, EXPLOSIVE by electrical or powder train initiation.
What is a Flash Tube? 29 Items
A Flash Tube (TUBE,FLASH) is a tubular item designed to transmit an igniting spark, flame, or the like, from a fuze and/or detonating device to an explosive.
What is a Cratering Demolition Kit? 17 Items
A Cratering Demolition Kit (DEMOLITION KIT,CRATERING) is a group of items consisting of a rocket motor, a high explosive charge, and a shaped charge unit for assembly into a device which, when initiated, forms a crater of sufficient depth, diameter, wall slope, and bottom characteristics to insure an effective obstacle to track and wheeled vehicles.
What is a Detonating Cord Assembly? 36 Items
A Detonating Cord Assembly (CORD ASSEMBLY,DETONATING) is an item consisting of a definite length of detonating cord, having ends which are terminated with caps containing a quantity of explosive. The ends also incorporate a means to permit connection to another detonating cord assembly or item.
What is a Firing Device Remote Control? 38 Items
A Firing Device Remote Control (CONTROL,REMOTE,FIRING DEVICE) is a control utilized to remotely accomplish selective arming and disarming and to furnish the command signal to one or more FIRING-MONITORING DEVICE.
What is a Firing-Monitoring Device? 39 Items
A Firing-Monitoring Device is an item designed to monitor and detonate a charge of explosives, incendiary or smoke by means of transmitted signals of radio, radar, sound, light, and the like.
What is a Practice Anti-Personnel Obstacle Breaching System Demolition Kit? 10 Items
A Practice Anti-Personnel Obstacle Breaching System Demolition Kit (DEMOLITION KIT,BREACHING SYSTEM,ANTI-PERSONNEL OBSTACLE,PRACTICE) is a DEMOLITION KIT, BREACHING SYSTEM, ANTI-PERSONNEL OBSTACLE (66595) designed to simulate the actual service item. It may contain some form of inert material and limited explosive charge incendiary or smoke to indicate functioning.
What is a Time Blasting Fuse? 18 Items
A Time Blasting Fuse (FUSE,BLASTING,TIME) is a fuse consisting of a cord with an explosive/incendiary core which burns at a known rate and provides a time delay proportionate to its length. It is used to ignite a blasting cap or an explosive charge. Excludes CORD,DETONATING.

Stock Items From Supply Class 1375 Stock Items From Supply Class 1375 Page 1of 21

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