NSN Search by National Stock Number

Search the MCRL (Master Cross-Reference List) provided by the FLIS (Federal Logistics Information Service) through the DLA (Defense Logistics Agency) of the DOD (Department of Defense). FLIS provides this data through their WebFLIS and FEDLOG products, but these are not available for public use. This free NSN Search provides NSN lookup of the Military NSN Database by National Stock Number.

The NSN Lookup search engine allows you to easily search for National Stock Numbers (NSN) over all of the catalogs and databases available within NATO for public use:

About 1 results (0.08 seconds)

4310-00-092-7443 PARTS KIT,COMPRESSOR
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C/O 28 ITEMS:1 SPACER REF NO. 30760/3W75299T40S;1 GASKET REF NO. 30760/3W6923;4 FILLISTER HEAD SCREWS REF NO. 30760/87A2C144P;4 FILLISTER HEAD SCREWS REF NO. 30760/87A2C600P;4 STEEL WASHERS REF NO. 30760/X1016T124C;4 LOCK WASHERS REF NO. 30760/14A5C55P;4 NUTS REF NO. 30760/16A4C1P;2 VALVES REF NO. 30760/3W6874;2 GASKETS REF NO. 30760/3W6921